WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

You can easily install WordPress on your web-site using Softaculous script installer the following way

[Click on images below to see the full size version]
1.Login to your cPanel 

2.Scroll down to the Softaculous Apps Installer

3.Click the WordPress link on the left-hand sidebar in Softaculous,

4. After you get in to WordPress section, click on Install Icon

5. In the Install Screen please fill following details

1.Protocol Don't select https unless you have a valid SSL certificate installed on this domain]http
2.DomainSelect the domain. Either with www or without wwwyourdomain
3.In DirectoryName of the wordpress installation folder. Please select final folder name, Keep this empty if you want to install WordPress on main domain.
4.Database Name Name of the database, Please give meaningful name as it will be easy to identify Your WordPress database
5.Admin User NameWordPress admin user name. Don't use just 'admin'. Use a complex nameEx. mysitewpadmin
6.Admin PasswordUse a complex password, otherwise you will end up with blank screen when try to access WordPress admin pageMyComplexPassword$8671
7.Limit Login AttemptsThis will help to prevent attack on your WordPress log-in pageEnable
8. Auto UpgradesEnable this to avoid getting compromised due to outdated WordPress.Enable

6. Once the installation is complete, you will be getting following page with WordPress Site URL and admin URL

7. If you come to overview tab [ after refresh the page], you should be able to see status of Your WordPress installations

[– Important Notes about WordPress Hosting]

1. Always use Complex User Name/Password. Don’t use passwords like 123, admin, abc

2. Keep always WordPress up-to date, you can do this by enabling auto upgrade option in the Softaculous 

3. Don’t use (nulled) pirated themes and plugins. When using those, there is a malware called CryptoPHP, if we find any, we have rights suspend the account which has used those pirated themes and plugins.

4. Don’t use themes and plugins from unknown sources. Use the themes and plugins recommended by WordPress.


About LankaHost CMS Hosting

LankaHost provide best service for WordPress/Joomla sites hosting, Over hundreds of WordPress/Joomla sites hosted on our services. You can review our WordPress/Joomla Hosting Packages here.