LankaHost Cloud DNS LankaHost Cloud DNS system is implemented on top of Word Class managed DNS service. This enable highly redundant and highly available infrastructure. In order to use LankaHost Cloud DNS, your domain must be pointed to following DNS (Name) Servers Once domain is pointed to above, you must purcahse Managed DNS Service from […]
All posts by lhkb
Host Name and Name Servers of LankaHost
Here are the currently deployed servers in LankaHost Web Solutions (Pvt) Ltd and Name Servers of each server.
How to access cPanel through LankaHost Client Area
1) Login to the “”.Then click on the “client area”. 2) Type your e-mail address & password.Then click on “Login”. 3) Click on the “Services”.Then click on “My services”. 4) Click on “Manage Product”. 5) Click on “Login to cPanel”. 6) Now you can see,Cpanel window.
How to Set the PHP Timezone in cPanel
On all our servers, default time zone is Sri Lanka ( GMT + 5.30), However depend on the customizations you will see some diffrent time zones in your account. You can change the PHP time zone in your account by doing following changes. Step 1 : Log-in to the cPanel and navigate to file manager, […]
Inode Limits
An inode is a data structure used to keep information about a file on your hosting account. The number of inodes indicates the number of files and folders you have. This includes everything on your account, emails, files, folders, anything you store on the server. 1 inode = 1 file in your hosting account. Example, […]
Change cPanel PHP Settings Through cPanel ( Hosting Parameters)
As LankaHost using CloudLinux, most of common PHP configuratins of your hosting account can be modify throgh cPanel. ( this does not possible in this two serve(SERVER and DS) and VPS Servers) which does not have CloudLinux Installed. Following are common PHP settings, that you can change through cPanel ConfigurationDefault Value If you need to […]